Saturday, September 17, 2011

"Spring Cleaning"

There it is folks.  The full extent of my diet this week.  Yes, we watched a documentary a few days ago about juice fasting and my husband was inspired.  I never agree to any diet plans he is on but somehow I got roped into this one.  I went out and got a juicer and the start of our fruit and veggies.  Friday afternoon was our start.

I have to tell you.  I am suffering.  I hate the way I feel right now.  Of course I am doing this while on my own feminine "cleanse" of sorts.  I have the urge to throw up all the time.  The juice is fine.  I don't find it particularly offensive.  I just wish I could eat.  This is the time of the month that I want to eat strange combinations anyways.  I love fruit and veggies but to now have to drink them for a week, that is torture. 

I have grown fond of the skill I mastered long ago, chewing.  I wish I didn't agree but I am going to see if there is some merrit to this.  I am going to weigh myself and keep track to see if it really is as good as everyone says.  As of now I know the side effects are fatigue, headache, irritability, stomach cramps and smelling phantom foods.  I swear to you my car smelled like buttered movie popcorn even though we have neither been to the movies nor have we had any popcorn.  Strange....

I'll keep you posted on how it all plays out.  What do you think?  Could you do it?
                                                                    Day 2

Not a bad morning.  I have weighed myself to see what is happening.  Hopefully I can be inspired to continue.  I have lost 3 pounds.  I know it's water weight but it's enough.  I thought that I would love not having to cook at all but I actually miss it.  We thought we were set by having a DVR.  TV would be a breeze, no food commercials.  Sadly we realized that our entire lives were centered around food.  Even our entertainment.  Most of our shows recorded were about food and/or cooking.  Time to find something else to do.

                                                                         Day 3

Sleep is almost impossible.  I think it is all the vitamins coursing thru me.  I am so tired.  I am not a breakfast person so half a banana and a small cup of juice is torture to choke down.  I weighed in again this morning, another 2 pounds.  I can do this.  I have been craving protein like mad.  I want grilled chicken, hard boiled eggs and maybe a spoon of peanut butter.  Not all together, well... maybe.  I push past the urge and "love" my tofu and raw broccoli lettuce wrap.  I had apple and cherry juice for lunch.  Going out to work is hard.  I have grown accustomed to having lunch out.  Instead I had to go straight home to a glass of juice instead.  It was disappointing but I continue on.  Only 4 more days to go.  It could be worse I guess.  I could be on the cabbage soup diet or the coffee and diet coke plan or even the white rice and apple sauce regimen.  I'll stick to my fruits and veggies.
                                                                            Day 4

I haven't lost any weight today but I didn't gain either.  I am finally getting used to this.  It's not so bad in the morning and afternoons are bearable but dinner time is my test.  It is strange how I crave the warmth of a home cooked meal.  I have lost all cravings for junk food.  Now I am looking forward to a diet filled with healthy options.  I am still avoiding social situations in which I may be tempted.  My mom baked a cake, my undoing.  I didn't even go in the kitchen at her house for fear it would call to me from under the glass dome.  Fortunately my father ate it all before I could reason into eating a piece.  One of our dogs is a trash picker.  He is not thrilled with the slim pickings he has found.  Dishes is not a chore either.  Our sink consists of chopping knives, cups and mugs.  So long dishpan hands.

                                                                           Day 5
Finally, another pound gone.  Today is going well and I am really feeling good about myself.  I am eager to make more changes in my life.  I see things clearer and feel more upbeat.  I still try not to think about food but sometimes I miss the social aspect of sharing a meal.  We are getting more creative in our mixtures and I feel full after the smallest glass.  I hope I can keep up what I have started with the weight loss.  I am good with the progress so far.  It all averages out to a pound a day.  Healthy and steady, my goal for life.

                                                                           Day 6

Today we went to the farmer's market.  I got more fresh fruit and veggies.  I had a cup of coffee for breakfast and lots of water throughout the day but I actually, for the first time, have no desire to eat anything.  I can't believe it.  We worked in the yard all afternoon and tended the veggie garden together.  Finally, the heat gets to me and I can't go on any longer.  We finish our chores and clean up, then to my surprise my husband drops a bomb on me... he's done.  He is so upset with his results of our juice fast.  Apparently he gained back the few pounds he lost and he's hungry like crazy.  He was my rock, my greatest supporter.  He was supposed to go to day 10.  What happened?  I am shocked at the news.  I was sure I would be the first to give out.  Sadly, he says it's just not working anymore and although he isn't going back to his former ways he is done juicing.  My eyes glimmer with success.  I did it!  I finally beat him at the diet game.  He always has faster results and greater weight loss.  I usually can't do it but this time I beat him!  "Oh darling", I say.  "I understand and fully support you decision.  I don't have dinner plans, what do you want to eat?"  That translates to "give me two seconds to put shoes on and let's go out to eat!"  I was good though and ate salad and lean smoked pork.  It was the best thing ever... well, almost.

I wish he could have found success in weightloss but a body reboot is different things to different people.  I know we will be working together but at least he won't ride me to do it his way anymore.  I mean really, he was the one who wanted to go for a run and spent time on the elliptical machine.  I was the one who decided to walk around the neighborhood and sat on the couch with the remote while he exercised.  It's a cruel world and nothing is fair but hey, let's be honest, he benefits from my weight loss too.  I keep going on my diet journey glad that now I can focus on my goals and actually achieve them.  I never thought I had the will power but I surprised myself.  I guess I can do great things when I put my mind to it.

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