Monday, July 23, 2012

Nesting R.K. Finch Style

It's hot like a blast furnace when I open the front door here on the farm.  We are approaching our hottest part of the summer and I find myself longing for the outdoors but unable to bear the sweltering heat.  I take the opportunity to feed the pigs and tend to the chickens but usually in the cooler morning hours.  I still enjoy mowing the grass but wait until after 4pm to tackle the daunting task.  I am in my 5th month of pregnancy now and I notice the subtle changes daily.  It has been almost a month since I felt the first movements of my baby but now it is much more noticeable and definitely more frequent.  I fluctuate between maternity and my own wardrobe depending on my comfort level.  I am glad to not be in my largest and most uncomfortable state now as this is an amazingly hot summer.  I am finally feeling good aside from the occasional gag reflex over random things.  I find myself avoiding the grocery store since it's a sore spot for my morning sickness.  I think the amount of food overwhelms me and I feel sick.  I find out what we are having next month and I am bursting with anticipation.  I want to shop for things more gender specific.  I find there is not much on the market that is gender neutral.

We have prepared our bedroom for the first few months of late night feedings and all hours diaper changing.  I have my comfy chair that I bought used at the Goodwill.  I love this chair for it's own reasons and bought it because of that.  Now it has a purpose and I often practice sitting in it cradling our pitbull.  He's a willing stand in for many practice runs.  He cuddles with me and is very protective of the baby already.  Noone is allowed to touch my belly when he's beside me.  He checks the cradle beside my bed almost hoping to find someone asleep in there.  Our youngest, Poncho, is outgrowing his baby phase and is desperate to please me.  He too seems to know what is coming and is always sniffing my belly in expectation.  He loves going into the nursery to check on the progress.  He was confused when we ripped out the old dirty carpet.  The walls have been painted and the new ceiling fan is installed.  I did choose a green paint for the walls.  It's called sage tint and it is soothing and soft without being dull.  It makes my vintage furniture look amazing and I can't wait to see it when it's all done.  The antique bed is in storage for use when the baby is bigger and the crib and changing table are still in boxes in the livingroom waiting for the wood floors to go down first.

I don't know how you feel about baby furniture but I find I hate everything on the market.  It's so commercialized that nothing is original or special.  Everyone does a variation of the same design.  I wanted something different and budget friendly.  Our cradle and baby pjs are in a barnyard theme.  There are cows, pigs, chickens and carrots all done tastefully on soft cotton flanel.  The sheets are small dots in blue and green and the blaket has the softest dot chenille fabric on earth.  All of which has been lovingly custom made by my mother.  The cradle was made for me when I was born and is perfect in my room now.  The nursery will have a veggie patch design with a white jenny lind crib as the focal in the center of the room.  I hate gliders.  What do you do with it when the baby no longer needs rocking?  It's not my ideal piece for my living room decor.  Instead I chose another vintage chair from the Goodwill.  This one is a classic tufted designer chair that has great velvet fabric, no doubt original, in the perfect shade of green.  I often find my husband relaxing in that chair in the half done nursery imagining the final result.  The dogs are usually reclining on the floor joining in on the fun.

I know my design is not what most think of for their ideal nursery but it's perfect for us here on the farm.  Our style is finally been recognized by the mainstream designers as rustic luxe.  It's a mix of old and new and it suits our modern traditional style.  I'll post pics of the progress in our rooms on my instagram account.  Until then, this finch is going to keep nesting.

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