Finally, I have eggs. I have hand raised my very first hens from tiny chicks to laying hens. I had some struggles along the way and I lost a few. Two to the red hawk that resides in my oaks and three to sickness. The five that remain are coming of age. I have watched and checked every day waiting for all my hard work to pay off. My dilligence is paying off with delicious rewards.
It seems like forever waiting for it to happen. I only have one laying but it is early and she has proven to be an over achiever. She has matured the fastest, hitting milestones first. She is the leader of the group and layed two beautiful eggs on her first try. I often reprimand the others for being freeloaders but to no avail. I can't wait until they all leave me precious gifts each morning. If my calculations are correct each will lay at least one a day. That's five a day, thirty-five a week. What I am going to do with three dozen eggs a week it still a mystery but I'm sure I'll work it out.
My hens are free in many senses of the word. They are free range, daily visiting the neighbors across the street. They are also free spirits. They do silly things. Big red refuses to go through the fence like the others. She requires I open the gate to let her back in the yard. They love the cat. I think he substitutes for the rooster I refuse to get. They come when I call like little dogs. They peck at anything that seems interresting, like red painted toes or sparkles on shoes. They are amazing and funny creatures.
My chickens have given me greater joy than I ever imagined they would. Although I care deeply for them I have never officially given them names. Only the two most outstanding have names that really are references to their demeanor and appearance. The others are just as readily identifiable but I feel no need to name them all. Besides, I only have to call one name for all of them to come running.
So, why did the chicken cross the road? Because as anyone who has ever owned free range chickens knows, they do whatever they want.
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