Friday, November 23, 2012

Sweet Child of Mine

It seems to be that my daughter will be more like me than I expected. I believe she will be an overachiever like her mother. How do I know this? Well, we got a last look at her before birth and it seems she is ready. Most babies begin to turn down in weeks 35-36. My daughter decided to do that Friday of week 32. She now remains in perfect position for delivery. Good for Mommy, bad for ultrasound techs. She refused to cooperate so measurements and developmental checkups were difficult. I got one good photo of her face. No 3D pics unfortunately since all you would see is her back.

She has so much hair you could see it floating in the scans. The tech says she has never seen that before. She is shy when there is a command performace but is active when it's just the two of us. I tease she's like the W.B. Frog. Out comes the little song and dance routine when no one is looking. When they want to feel her move she's suddenly sleepy. Stubborn, like her mother.

I am thrilled this experience is coming to a close. I love the closeness she and I have and the bond is already so strong between us and I haven't even seen her in person. It's just that noone tells you about all the negative experiences that come with pregnancy. I guess it's a good thing otherwise we'd never continue our species. Everyone says they were "uncomfortable" but no one ever says it was painful. Let me be the first to break the silence. There is pain beyond labor and delivery.

Simple things like climbing the stairs can be a daunting challenge. Just getting off the couch requires assistance. I need a lift to hoist me out of the bed. At least it feels that way the tenth time I get up in the middle of the night. For a lover of fashion the ever changing physique is a challenge. I want to be fashionable but also comfortable. At this stage in the game I'll take covered and clean. I haven't outgrown my wardrobe this fast since I was in grade school. I love shoes. Shoes no longer love me back. I know it's only a few more weeks and I will again see my ankles.

The funniest part is this has been an easy pregnancy. I wasn't down to the ideal weight for my body when I got pregnant so I was very cautious about weight gain. Not for my own sake but for the health of my baby. I had lost the previous pregnancy and I was determined to do what I could for this one. I still eat whatever and whenever I want but my choices are better. I crave fruit, cheese and healthy foods. That's good for me and her. My doctor is very happy with my progress. He can't believe how good I'm doing with not gaining too much extra weight. In the two weeks between appointments I only gained one pound and that was all baby growth. I still look like me from behind. It's when I turn around that surprises most. It is pretty much all baby. I have gained twenty three pounds in all and I am in my last month of pregnancy. I know the push is on for her to put on the pounds. Happy and healthy, that's the goal. She weighed in at four pounds four ounces last week so she still has a ways to go. Probably another four pounds for her and maybe a few for me too. My skin is great which was a real surprise to me. I got stretch marks when I first got married from packing on too many pounds. I was sure that pregnancy would be no exception. So far I have none. I am so happy and I keep slathering myself in all the lotions and potions just in case.

The house is almost ready and her room is just about complete. My husband is hanging the last few doors in the house today. I am cleaning my workshop and getting my business stuff in order. I have made a few sales which encourage me to keep going. It keeps me busy too when I can't find the strength some days to go out. I did do some stockpile shopping this week. We went to the grocery store late one night. I prepared my coupons and I think I did pretty good. I ended up saving fifty percent of my bill. For living in an area where coupons don't double that is amazing. Plus I got food that actually can make a meal, not fifty boxes of cake mix and ramen. Now my pantry cabinets are full and I have the equivalent of one hundred and eighty rolls of toilet paper in my house so I feel better about not going shopping as often.

I am feeling more confident about becoming a mother and I am anxious and excited to meet my little girl. I have enjoyed the experience and I look forward to the future milestones to come. We have come a long way this year. It started out rocky but I can confidently say this has turned out to be a great year. All thanks to this sweet child of mine.

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