Wednesday, August 24, 2011

A Fresh Start

     It's that time of year again.  Children have gone back to school and the cold crops are going in the garden.  There is a hurricane creeping closer to our coast.  It's not that I wish for mass destruction but a good storm is good for business.  I look forward to this time every year.  The weather is comfortably cooler and the mosquitoes begin to fade.  Best of all it's time to change over the decor in the house and that is something new in this home.  It has taken great deliberation over what to use and where it should go. I still have more to go but starting at the front door is always a good idea.

     I love everything about autumn.  The smell of candles burning throughout the home.  Everything smelling like baked goods and cinnamon.  Warm colors and thick throw blankets scattered throughout.  Something rich and hearty cooking in the kitchen.  Pears and apples are in season.  Fashions change too.  Scarves go with everything and boots can get dusted off and pulled to the front of the closet.  Bonfires replace barbecues and outdoor movie nights replace pool parties.  It's wonderful. 

     I am a fickle person, I will admit.  I cry and moan over the length of winter.  I daydream about sunny days when I can get in the garden.  Finally warmer weather arrives and for a few months I am all smiles.  By July however, the fun fades and I am longing for cooler days.  It makes no sense, I know, but true.  They say variety is the spice of life and I love to keep things on rotation.  Some people could live with an endless summer.  I enjoy all that it has to offer but for a few short weeks here we find ourselves in that blissful limbo between the sweltering days of summer and the frigid winter.  It's just warm enough to enjoy the outdoors but also cool enough to turn off the a/c and smell the cool northern air moving in.

     This year I am introducing a new color to my autumn palate, purple.  I like the way it looks but I never choose to put it in my home.  This year I decided to try it.  I have placed the autumn leaf inspired quilt on my couch for a touch of pattern and I am adding deep eggplant colored throw pillows.  I am also covering my dining chairs with a lighter shade of purple ultra suede.  I find it to be tactile but resilient.  It repels the dirt and stains associated with upcoming dinner parties but gives a sense of luxury with its soft texture.  I am keeping the pops of white for balance and brightness.  This house doesn't get a lot of sun light in the cooler months so to avoid the blues we are keeping things crisp and fresh. 

     The dining room is almost ready for its most active season.  We as a family try to get together regularly to enjoy a meal.  Roasting a prime rib or turkey for two is not nearly as fun as doing it for twelve.  We try new recipes and repeat last years favorites.  We are dreaming of setting up the tent in the yard and staying out there when the evenings are cool.  Perhaps smoking a brisket and enjoying a fire.  My china cabinet has been repurposed as a bar and stands at the ready for a party.  My husband and I reset the lights in the orchard the other day and our neighbors asked us if we were having another party.  We told them we just wanted to enjoy it for ourselves, but a party is not a bad idea. 

     Things have been slow for us work wise.  Times are hard but I think that is when you get your most creative.  Lack of funds forces more thought.  You can't just run to the store to buy whatever you want.  My husband has his favorite meals when I haven't been to the store in three weeks.  I am forced to rethink my strategy and cook from scratch.  I think that is when I begin to think about what is more important.  I want to share happiness with my family and friends.  When we are together, sharing a meal or just a marshmallow, problems fade and in that moment we are all ok.  Perhaps that is why I love this time of year.  It's a close to some things but with that a new beginning.  A fresh start.  The world wipes away the growth of a year and starts again with a clean slate.  The falling leaves and cooler air inspire me to do the same.  I let go of the stress and strife of the year gone by and move forward with a clean slate.

     My thoughts turn to a wise proverb which says we should not worry about what we are to eat or drink for each day has its own anxieties.  Now is the time for reflection and faith that tomorrow will bring a new beginning.  So let the leaves fall where they may, I'm ready.

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