Monday, January 28, 2013

A promotion and a performance review

It has been some time since my last blog.  I am sorry it has taken me so long to get back here.  I had my baby December 31,2012.  She was one day early but still right on time if you ask me. I had a modern mom delivery.  I had my iPhone in my hand to pass the early hours of labor.  Instagram stood in for traditional birth announcements.  I was taking orders for my shop from my hospital bed.  Within a week my baby was with me at the supply store.  It got me thinking.  I wanted to give everyone a glimpse into the world of the self employed mom.

Yes, I work from home but that doesn't soften the blow much.  I now have a new boss and she's only 6 pounds.  She is a demanding task master and often requires I multitask and work long hours.  It has been a struggle to find time for my shop and creating new items.  I have only started to fill my rkfinch shop.  My finch haven farms and rsparkles are vacant and collecting virtual dust.  I have attempted to fill custom orders but have struggled through it.  Sleep deprivation has taken it's toll.  Not every customer is satisfied the way I like.  Some details have been missed and communication is sub par.  For that I am truly sorry and I apologize profusely.

I am inspired by my little one.  She has brought me great joy and a sense of fulfillment like no other.  She is now a month old and I am surprised by how time has passed so quickly.  Everyone tells me to enjoy it.  I am now realizing how important it really is.  I savor our little moments together.  She is such a happy baby in the mornings.  We enjoy our quiet time together and she joins me in my workshop regularly.

I am sensitive to the other areas that I am lacking.  I wish I was as proficient as I used to be prior to her arrival.  I hate disappointing my customers.  Whether I have missed a detail or have not been able to provide a product I can assure you I take it to heart.  I wish I was a superhuman who could do it all.  Unfortunately that is not the case and if I can only do one thing at a time I am going to choose motherhood.  I would rather disappoint a "faceless" email account who's order wasn't perfect than disappoint my daughter.

I am sure many out there can understand where I am coming from.  I have been told not to be hard on myself.  It's early yet for me in this new job I have.  I am an overachiever by nature and it's hard not to want to excel.  My life has taken a new direction and you will see that no doubt in my shops and my blog.  If you find my new direction unsatisfactory, I'll miss you.  It has been an amazing journey and if you choose to leave I understand.  If you want to criticize my performance, feel free.  Just know that I am like any working mother, struggling to find a balance between who I was and who I am.  If you are just joining me, stick around it only gets better.  If your still with me, thanks.

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