Friday, September 30, 2011

The Dog Days Are Over

Gone are the dog days of summer.  In rolls the cooler air.  I can feel it in the air tonight as I walk through the field.  The first golden leaves appear and I am reminded that winter is approaching fast.  I am well into my second garden.  I have harvested the wild pumpkins, 23 in all.   They range in size from small melons to something fit for a princess.  I almost lost them to small cut worms but we were swift to harvest before all was lost.  Now comes the fun of canning, freezing, cooking and sharing of our harvest. 

I am thrilled to see the fruits of our labor in the garden grow and spread.  I can't wait until I can enjoy the bounty that is to come.  Business has been good lately for me and my husband.  We are well on our way to being successful entrepreneurs.  Sharing our success has brought us closer than ever and he is encouraging me to pursue my dreams.

I am tingling with creative ideas and I can't seem to let them out fast enough.  I am adding new things to my shop daily and they are being welcomed by my customers.  I can't seem to catch up supply with demand.  This is all I ever wanted, to be able to do what I love for a living.  I have further to go but I just crossed my first milestone, 500 views this year.  To those who have encouraged and supported my efforts I thank you.

May the next season open as many doors as the last.

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