Monday, August 5, 2013

Motivational Monday - A Mother's Job Is Never Done

She also gets up while it is still night, and gives food to her household and the prescribed portion to her young women.

I may be stretching a bit to make application for this one today.  I am by no means a morning person.  I doubt that will ever change.  My husband does not get breakfast made for him.  Sorry, babe.  On one occasion did I find myself awake at some ungodly hour and decided to make a peach cobbler before the sun rose.  That was many years ago and has not happened since.

I do however still nurse my daughter.  She wakes me every day before 5 am.  We spend some time together just us two and I give her a morning meal and comfort before putting her back to bed.  Together we watch the sun rise and listen for the rooster's crow.  I guess you could say that for the time being I am fulfilling this duty as a capable wife.  I love our special time together but when the day does arrive I will gladly welcome sleeping in.  At least until after the rooster crows.

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